Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Download Aegisub 2.1.9

DoubleATeam - Halo Sobat Setia DaT, kali ini DAT mau bagi-bagi software buat nge sub, software ini penting bgt buat kalian para fansubber, dengan software ini kalian bisa buat subtitle kalian sendiri atau edit subtitle dari bahasa asing ke bahasa indonesia lalu share ke internet untuk keperluan kalian

Aegisub has a very clean interface even though it is full of features for editing and creating subtitles from scratch. Not to mention that this utility also comes with an automation manager that enables you to schedule tasks and have them carried out automatically, thus saving time with operations you have to do on a regular basis.

Besides the main utilities, the program packs a subtitle styles manager, styling and translation assistants, spell checkers and resolution resamplers, video details and timers. There is also a very detailed help menu, which makes it well suited for beginners and professional users alike.

All things considered, it seems that Aegisub is indeed one of the best subtitle editors out there and even though it may not be the easiest to use, it has all the features you will ever need from such an app.

Lihat tutorialnya (Bahasa Indonesia)

Download link

Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda di DoubleATeam semoga anda dapat terbantu dengan apa yg kami persembahkan, kami akan update terus software yang anda butuhkan. Sering-sering mampir ya :)  

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2 komentar:

Nurfani mengatakan...

Wah mantap banget bos software nya. Anda hebat sekali sebagai software's. Semoga makin sukses :)

Double a team mengatakan...

Terima kasih gan, sukses juga buat anda

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